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Interdisciplinary Political Science International Lab Workshop Series 2022 (5)



정치학과 4단계 BK21 교육연구단입니다.

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여러 국가의 학자들과 공동으로 다양한 주제로 융복합정치학국제랩워크샵을 개최하고 있습니다.

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Workshop 5: Governing Complexity: An Earth System Governance Perspective

Date: 2022. 8. 23. Tuesday 15:00~17:00

Venue: 201 Yeonhee Hall, Yonsei University

Host Lab: Environment-Energy-Urban Politics Lab

Presenter: Rakhyun E. Kim: Governing Complexity: An Earth System Governance Perspective

(Assistant Professor of Global Environmental Governance at Utrecht University)

Presenter: Taedong Lee: 기후 위기와 경제의 복합 안보: Integrated Security of Climate Crisis and Economy

(Professor, Department of Political Science and International Studies at Yonsei University)

Discussant: Youngmi Choi

(Professor, Department of Political Science and International Studies at Chonnam National University)

Presenter: Hee Seob Lee: 기후유권자의 동인화: 환경태도와 지식, 환경시민성이 친환경투표에 미치는 영향에 대한 발표

(ICLEI East Asia Secretariat)

Discussant: Jiyeon Kang/ Dahye Kang



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