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Interdisciplinary Political Science International Lab Workshop Series 2022



정치학과 4단계 BK21 교육연구단입니다.

본 교육연구단은 다수의 LAB과 함께 Interdisciplinary Political Science International Lab Workshop Series 2022를 개최합니다.

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행사일정은 다음과 같습니다.

Workshop 1 : The State and Future of Political Methodology

Hye Young You: Political Science Methodology and Interdisciplinary Approaches

(Assistant Professor of Politics, New York University)

Date: 2022. 6. 7, Tuesday 15:00~19:30

Venue: 402 Yeonhee Hall, Yonsei University

Host: Economic Statecraft Lab

Discussant: Economic Statecraft Lab Members and Participants

Workshop 2: Recent Trends in Political Science Journal Publication: Insights from International Studies Quarterly (ISQ) Editorship

Session 1

Krista Wiegand

(Associate Professor, University of Tennessee, Editor-in-Chief of ISQ)

Wonjae Hwang

(Associate Professor, University of Tennessee, Associate Editor of ISQ)

Sojeong Lee

(Global Security Post-Doctoral Research Associate in the Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy, University of Tennessee, Managing Editor of ISQ)

Session 2

Dr. Lonnie Edge: Publish or Perish? Simple Survival Guidelines to Authoring and Reviewing Academic Articles

(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Managing Editor of North Korea Review & Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies)

Date: 2022. 6. 16, Thursday 15:00~18:00

Venue: B1F Convention Hall, Kim Dae-Jung Presidential Library, Yonsei University

Host: Journal Management Ad Hoc Lab

Discussant: Journal Management Ad Hoc Lab Members and Participants

Workshop 3: Global Strategic Interactions: China, India, Indo-Pacific and Ukraine-Russia War

Dr. Jagannath Panda: The Most Updated India-China Relations

(The Head of Stockholm Centre for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs, Institute for Security & Development Policy)

Yujin Chung and Wooyeal Paik: Small Indo-Pacific Island Countries' Political Economic Interactions with China

(PhD Student in the Department of Political Science at Yonsei University)

(Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Studies at Yonsei University)

Roundtable on Ukraine-Russia War's Impacts on Europe, East Asia, and Their Interactions

Dr. Jagannath Panda

Prof. Wooyeal Paik

Global Strategy Lab Members and Participants

Date: 2022. 6. 29, Wednesday 9:30~13:30

Venue: 201 Yeonhee Hall, Yonsei University

Host: Global Strategy Lab

Discussant: Global Strategy Lab Members and Participants

Workshop 4-1: Interdisciplinary Dialogue on How to Decolonize Social Sciences in Korea

Jesook Song and Yoonkyung Lee: Decolonizing Postcolonial Korean Studies

(Professor in the Department of Anthropology at University of Toronto) and

(Professor in the Department of Sociology at University of Toronto)

Young Chul Cho and Jungmin Seo: The Emergence and Evolution of

International Relations Studies in Postcolonial South Korea

(Associate Professor in The School of International Studies at Jeonbuk National University) and

(Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Studies at Yonsei University)

Seoyoung Choi: A Feminist Comparative Method of Doing IR: Connected Comparison and IR as a Heuristic Device

(PhD Student in the Department of Political Science at Yonsei University)

Date: 2022. 7. 27, Wednesday 10:30~12:10

Venue: 201 Yeonhee Hall, Yonsei University

Host: Critical Approaches to Political Science Lab

Discussant: Critical Approaches to Political Science Lab Members and Participants

Workshop 4-2: Decolonization in IR Scholarship

Olivia Umurerwa Rutazibwa: Decolonizing IR: Stakes and Approaches

(Assistant Professor in Human Rights and Politics in the Department of Sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science)

Young Chul Cho: Decolonizing Strategies for Knowledge Production

(Associate Professor in the School of International Studies, Jeonbuk National University)

Jungmin Seo: (Ab)use of Strategic Essentialism in IR

(Professor in the Department of Political Science and International Studies, Yonsei University)

Date: 2022. 7. 27, Wednesday 15:00~17:00

Venue: 201 Yeonhee Hall, Yonsei University

Host: Critical Approaches to Political Science Lab

Discussant: Critical Approaches to Political Science Lab Members and Participants



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혁신 과학기술 시대의 정치적 문제 해결 교육연구단
연세대학교 일반대학원 정치학과 BK21 FOUR

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